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My name is Olga Olen’ (Solovyeva). I’m from Russia, recently I have been living in Berlin, where my studio is located.

I graduated from the university as a philologist, and then received an education as a decorator. I have being a decorator, painter and illustrator during for 12 years. And now my work is more focused on papier-mâché and mixed media sculptures, with which I can express my ideas and thoughts to the world in a 3d-form.

Mostly my works are about the interaction between human and nature. That human should treat all creatures living on this Planet in a friendly, respectful and equal manner. And if necessary, should take care of them. This is my message that I would like to convince humanity of.

The main attribute of my works - is playing... Playing with forms, meanings and public's perception. I like to use familiar forms in unusual way and trying make this wittily, ridiculously, unexpectedly, absurdly. I like to add something that doesn't make any sense but exists only because it's unpredictable and weird.

I don't think, that it's possible to find cute wide demanded things from me or works, that exist solely for decorating a space. Into all my works I try to put some special meaning and a part of myself that is responsible for sincerity in art. They are all a little odd, weird, scary or sad, and they always reflect the real me, but not what society demands for commercial success.

It's difficult for me to find my place in the creative community to showcase my works. Especially because people often devalue papier-mâché works, considering them to be crafts. Perhaps someone will not call them art, but this is 100% NOT a craft, because each work is thoughtful, unique and has its own meaning. So I still hope that one day I will be able to exhibit my work or a series of works in some gallery for people to see because I have something to say to humanity.

My name is Olga Olen’ (Solovyeva). I’m from Russia, recently I have been living in Berlin, where my studio is located.

I graduated from the university as a philologist, and then received an education as a decorator. I have being a decorator, painter and illustrator during for 12 years. And now my work is more focused on papier-mâché and mixed media sculptures, with which I can express my ideas and thoughts to the world in a 3d-form.

Mostly my works are about the interaction between human and nature. That human should treat all creatures living on this Planet in a friendly, respectful and equal manner. And if necessary, should take care of them. This is my message that I would like to convince humanity of.

The main attribute of my works - is playing... Playing with forms, meanings and public's perception. I like to use familiar forms in unusual way and trying make this wittily, ridiculously, unexpectedly, absurdly. I like to add something that doesn't make any sense but exists only because it's unpredictable and weird.

I don't think, that it's possible to find cute wide demanded things from me or works, that exist solely for decorating a space. Into all my works I try to put some special meaning and a part of myself that is responsible for sincerity in art. They are all a little odd, weird, scary or sad, and they always reflect the real me, but not what society demands for commercial success.

It's difficult for me to find my place in the creative community to showcase my works. Especially because people often devalue papier-mâché works, considering them to be crafts. Perhaps someone will not call them art, but this is 100% NOT a craft, because each work is thoughtful, unique and has its own meaning. So I still hope that one day I will be able to exhibit my work or a series of works in some gallery for people to see because I have something to say to humanity.